Creating the WinMTR report

You can use the Win My TraceRoute (WinMTR) program to diagnose network delays.

To do so, download the archive with the program from our server.

How to perform a diagnosis

  1. Extract the downloaded archive and launch the program.
  2. Enter the server address in the Host bar and click Start. The process of exchanging packets with nodes will begin.
  3. These are the current server addresses:
    World of Warplanes:
    World of Warships:
  4. The data should be gathered for at least 30 minutes, which will provide a more accurate statistical representation about packet losses and delays.
  5. After this time passes, click Stop and then Export TEXT. In the file saving window, enter the file name and click Save.
  6. Attach the created .txt file to your ticket when sending the WinMTR report to Wargaming Player Support.

Parameter definitions:

  • Host name—the name of the host the packets pass through.
  • No.—the node number.
  • Lost%—the loss percentage on the node. It’s calculated from the sum of lost packages.
  • Sent—the number of packets sent to the node.
  • Recv—number of packets received from the node.
  • Best—the best ping value
  • Avrg—average ping value
  • Worst—the worst ping value
  • Last—the last ping value
Categories: Software